What is Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy is a type of physical therapy for your eyes and brain. It's a non-surgical treatment that aims to correct vision problems and improve your visual skills. Optometrists use tools such as lenses, prisms, filters, computer-assisted visual activities, and others to create an individualized program that addresses your unique visual needs.

How Vision Therapy Works

During your vision therapy sessions, you'll engage in a variety of activities designed to train and improve different aspects of your vision. These might include eye-tracking exercises, focusing activities, visual-motor integration tasks, and more. Each activity is designed to challenge your visual system and push it to work more effectively and efficiently.

The ultimate goal of vision therapy is to strengthen the connections between your brain and your eyes. Over time, with consistent and targeted practice, you can improve your visual skills and eliminate or reduce the impact of vision problems on your daily life.

Common Eye Conditions Addressed by Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is not just for improving your visual skills; it can also address various common eye conditions. One of the most common is amblyopia, often referred to as "lazy eye." This condition occurs when one eye fails to develop properly, leading to decreased vision in that eye. Through vision therapy, you can learn to use both eyes together, improving the visual acuity in the weaker eye.

Strabismus, or crossed eyes, is another condition that vision therapy can help with. If you have strabismus, your eyes don't line up correctly, which can lead to double vision or other visual problems. Vision therapy can help train your eyes to work together, reducing the symptoms of this condition.

Vision therapy can also assist with conditions like convergence insufficiency, where your eyes struggle to work together when looking at close objects; visual perceptual disorders, where you have difficulty understanding visual information; and even certain types of learning disabilities that are related to vision problems.

The Benefits of Vision Therapy

The most obvious benefit of vision therapy is improved vision. But vision therapy goes beyond just improving your sight. It can also enhance your visual efficiency and processing. This means you may find it easier to track moving objects, judge distances, or interpret complex visual information.

Beyond these physical benefits, vision therapy can also have a significant impact on your quality of life. Visual problems can cause headaches, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. By addressing these issues, vision therapy can help you feel better on a day-to-day basis.

Perhaps one of the most significant benefits of vision therapy is its potential to improve academic performance. Many children with learning difficulties have underlying vision problems that interfere with their ability to read, write, and learn. By addressing these issues, vision therapy can often lead to improvements in academic performance.


Vision therapy is a personalized, non-surgical, and comprehensive approach to improving your visual skills and addressing common eye conditions. It offers a potential solution to correct these issues and improve your quality of life.

For more information on vision therapy, visit Harmony Eyecare & Eyewear Gallery at our office in Harmony, Pennsylvania. Please call (724) 453-4926 to schedule an appointment today.

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